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3 in 10 Women considers buying Insurance as an important step towards being Financially Independent as per the study conducted by SBI General Insurance

SBI General Insurance boosts #FinancialIndependenceforWomen this Women’s Day aimed at educating women on the importance financial planning


This International Women’s Day SBI General, one of India’s leading General Insurance companies, underlines the importance of financial independence for women through a holistic campaign which includes a survey bringing intriguing insights, a panel discussion on “Importance of Financial Independence” and further leveraging the campaign on social media. The survey was conducted to understand the perception and understanding of financial independence amongst women, examine the triggers and barriers to being financial independent.

Being financially independent is a crucial goal for all of us, however, the notion of the same is subjective and can mean different things, especially for women. For working women, being financially independent may mean making her own financial decisions or being self-sustained by earning and managing their own money. However, for a homemaker, it may mean having monetary independence, freedom and the ability to spend money whenever they want or sustain themselves during emergencies.

SBI General’s study reveals that being financially independent ranked among the top 3 priorities for women.

Interestingly, although women do associate a high level of importance with financial independence, majority indicate that they do not earn enough to be financially independent, and its therefore unsurprising to find in the survey that nearly 50% do not feel financially independent. The lack of financial independence is more evident in Tier 2 cities and amongst non-working women.

Basis the studies, about 33% of the women finds “cost of living” as one of the challenges or barrier for being financially independent. On the other hand, 1 in every 4 women indicate social / family restriction or lack of guidance from home as a barrier.

Encouragingly, in the survey, about 53% women have taken steps to save and invest, as proactive steps to become financially independent. However, only 38% women have claimed to be insured as a step to be financially independent.

Commenting on the insights from the survey, PC Kandpal, MD & CEO, SBI General Insurance, said, “Today more and more women in India are focusing on being self-dependent and financially secure. However, the study shows, most women are still not self-dependent especially in financial matters like investment and insurance. In fact, our study highlights that while women strive to be financially independent, one-third of the women find lack of proper information and knowledge about investment & insurance, as one of the pulling factors.”

“Only 38% women have claimed to have insured themselves to be financially independent, signaling low levels of awareness and insurance penetration. There is a need to equip women with the necessary information so that they can make more informed choices about their finances. Our efforts are centered on this premise, and we will continue to undertake initiatives that make financial independence for women a part of mainstream discourse”, she added.

SBI General is proactively supporting the importance of #FinancialIndependenceforWomen by raising awareness around the importance of financial planning and educating women on the role of securing their future by opting for the right insurance plan. Apart from the survey, the company has also hosted a panel discussion on “Importance of Financial Independence” with intriguing discussions, views and guidance from eminent speakers like Shefali Khalsa, Head – Brand & Corporate Communications, SBI General Insurance, Sudha Menon, renowned author and columnist with 6 books to her name, Patricia Narayan, Founder, Sandheepa Group of Restaurants, Kamana Chibber, Clinical Psychologist & Head – Mental Health, Fortis Healthcare coming from different walks of lives. Alongside the company is driving a digital campaign on its social assets and amplifying the message through interesting content and infographics across social media platforms.

Key findings of the survey conducted by YouGov, supported by SBI General to underline the importance and views of women on being Financially Independent:

Other findings of the study include:

The survey was conducted in collaboration with YouGov, with over 1000 women in the ages of 25-45, residing in Tier I and Tier II cities across India. It captures insights from the top 6 metros, as well next 20 cities, including mini metros such as Ahmedabad, Lucknow, Pune and cities like Agra, Jaipur, Indore, Bhopal, Kanpur, Nagpur, Vadodara, Surat, and Chandigarh.

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